Thursday, March 8, 2007

Thanks Stauber Drilling

Hello all (or should I say "hello few" since this site is still very new - well we're working on increasing exposure). There is just over a week remaining until we leave for Cochrane Rally. I am very excited to get out there with the car, although our strategy/goal is to finish each stage without drama. We are going to drive quickly but not push anywhere near the limit due to reports of mixed surfaces (gravel, snow, glare ice)on the stages. I've been watching the weather forecast for Cochrane and I'm not sure how there is going to be any snow or ice left by the time we get there (highs in the double digits almost everyday). Oh well, I'm planning on bringing both the gravel and the studded winter tires. My hope is that if we can set "good" times on all stages, that we will move up the leaderboard as others have difficulties.

Also, I've finally sorted out about 50 pictures of building the rally car. I'm going to get them up onto some photo hosting site somewhere, and then put the link to it on this site. As mentioned in previous posts, I think this is almost a duty to the rally community since I spent countless hours reviewing other peoples sites to see "how they did it".

In other news, we are very pleased to announce that Stauber Drilling of Regina, SK has joined as a Sponsor to the Gopher Rally Racing Team. If you need any drilling done, water wells installed, etc., please give Lorne or Fred at call at 306 359 1959.

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